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Keeping Weight on A Grand Prix Show Jumper

Super Weight Gain for Sport Horses

Super Weight Gain is the number one supplement for putting weight back on horses, but did you know it isn’t just for older horses, recovering horses, or rescues? It's a must-have for those high-performing athletes who have fast metabolisms. Whether they are a top-performing barrel horse, show jumper, or eventer, it’s the perfect supplement to keep weight on hard keepers while staying competitive and not making them hot. This is why you'll find Super Weight Gain in many of our sponsored athletes’ feed rooms.

Meet Top Showjumper Abigail McArdle & Boogy Woogy

HG Athlete, Abigail McArdle is an accomplished show jumper with numerous FEI classes and international Grand Prix wins. Boogy Woogy is a 15-year-old gelding who has made his way around many Grand Prix courses with wins in Upperville, VA and Wellington, FL.

"He has one white spot on his tummy, so technically he's a pinto!" McArdle jokes.

"He’s a very spirited horse. He likes to do things his own way. If he doesn’t want to do something, there’s no chance to force him. He’s very determined for better or worse. That’s what I love about him!" McArdle shared about her rising athlete.

A Jumper With Poor Body Condition & Weight Loss

While Boogy Woogy was putting in fast times around big tracks, his body condition fell slightly at the end of the Wellington season. He just wasn't meeting his demands despite the rest of his diet being the highest-quality forage and Trifecta. Abigail switched him to Super Weight Gain, to add the protein and fat. Over the course of four months, Boogy Woogy not only put the weight back on, but he kept it on. 

He's happy, healthy, and ready to continue putting in winning rounds in the Grand Prix arenas. “Boogy is naturally a nervous horse and always on high alert, so he would never rest. Now, frequently at night I catch him quiet and comfortably laying down. It brings me joy to see that he’s happy and healthy,” Abigail shared about seeing a noticeable difference.


Boogy Woogy, FEI Show Jumper, Super Weight Gain Transformation

Why did Super Weight Gain work?

To start, its power packed with probiotics, prebiotics, and live yeast cultures. Feeding the “good bugs” and jump starting the microbial population in the horse’s gastrointestinal tract increases the horse’s ability to digest their feed. Improving digestibility means that not only does the horse digest the Super Weight Gain but also is able to get more out of the other feedstuffs in their diet. With improved digestion comes better utilization of nutritious material, plus less energy exertion to digest their feed stuff.

High fat and protein make it perfect for a horse like Boogy, who requires enough energy to perform at high levels, but doesn’t make him hot. This is essential when fueling a horse who needs to be precise and focused for the task at hand. Since it’s low in non-structural carbohydrates its even safe for horses with metabolic conditions.

Super Weight Gain is a staple for many professional equestrians competing on circuits for various disciplines. Many athletes choose to supplement it during winters on the road or when competition season starts to rev up. Others athletes keep their horses on it year-round. With a full dose of Horse Guard, they will be receiving all their essential Vitamins & Minerals to keep them at the top of their game and safe-guarding their immune systems.
Happy, healthy horses perform better. If you are unsure if Super Weight Gain has a place in your equine athlete’s diet, reach out to our nutritionist, Dr. Nonella PhD. PAS. We’re here to help you keep your horse in the winner’s circle.

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