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Horse Guard Athlete Insider: Britni Carlson Breakaway Roper & Barrel Racer

Britni Carlson is a powerhouse among the Pacific Northwest rodeo community as a breakaway roper and barrel racer. She has been an active member of the HG team exemplifying sportsmanship, animal welfare, and success for the past three years while being a life long Horse Guard user. Her dedication to her craft has delivered many wins and her commitment to happy, healthy horses is next to none. We love that Britni sets a standard for the way she conducts herself in and out of the arena. We were able to sit down with her to talk about her favorite HG products and her 2021 season. 

Video Transcription

[Rodeo Announcer] "Britni Carlson. Last rider this set number 30, Britni Carlson."

"Hi. My name is Britni Carlson and I'm a breakaway roper and barrel racer.  And I love rodeo for so many reasons. Rodeo is my life, my drive and keeps me motivated to go on. To me, there's nothing better than the Western way of life. It's the American dream for me."


Biggest win in 2021

"My biggest win for me this year was at Grand Cooley, Washington.  Two years ago prior to that rodeo, Winston suffered an injury that took him out for two years and that was maybe his third rodeo back. I won the barrel racing with a 17.3 and I placed in the breakaway roping. It may not have been the biggest rodeo I won this year or the most money, but it gave me the confidence in my horse and myself that I needed to lead me to the biggest accomplishment this year, which was making the Circuit Finals on the same horse in both events."


What are your favorite Horse Guard Supplements?

"All of our horses are on some kind of Horse Guard supplement. For our hard keepers, we prefer to use the Super Weight Gain. I have a Gray horse named Jewel and my husband's heel horse and it is the only supplement that we found that will put weight on and keep weight on them.

A lot of Winston's success has been due to great nutrition from Horse Guard. I'm so thankful to be one of the athletes to represent their products. Winston got hurt two years ago and I was looking for a supplement that could fit all of his needs in one, I found nothing better than Trifecta. He gets his probiotics, his hoof and healthcare, and everything he needs in one bag. I also add in Flow for great anti-inflammatory coat that you just can't resist. It can be added to any of the Horse Guard supplements. It is an easy way to get your horse their Omega 3's and keep their coat healthy, shiny and glowing."

Horse Guard athlete Britni Carlson running barrels at Pendleton Round Up 

What does it take to have success.

"It takes so much to accomplish these wins. From early mornings and late nights before and after after work, countless hours in the saddle, thousands of miles driven. Not only that, taking proper care of my horse, giving him great nutrition and everything he needs to be a successful performance athlete."


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