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Hoof Supplements For A Horse With Laminitis

What is Laminitis?

Laminitis is an inflammatory condition in the hoof tissues, called lamina, that bond the hoof wall to the coffin bone. Laminitis can be very painful to the horse. It can affect a horse of any age male or female at any time of the year. However, typically horses that are obese or have a history of metabolic or hormonal issues are more prone to laminitis. In sever cases of laminitis, horses may Founder, meaning the coffin bone separates from the hoof wall completely.

Diagnosed With Laminitis

In January of 2020 Fancy was diagnosed with Laminitis. Her hoof did not look good and while Fancy’s farrier worked hard to keep her comfortable there wasn’t much he could do. The veterinarian thought that besides a miracle there wasn’t many options for treatment and that she would need to be put down as she was going to lose the hoof.

Arlyne, Fancy’s owner, wasn’t ready to give up on her mare, and she could see that her horse still had some fight in her. She found Biotin Hoof Blast and decided that she wanted to do everything she could to help Fancy live.  

Laminitis Hoof Transformation

Recovering From Laminitis

In February, one month into the long journey with Fancy, she developed a staph infection on the same hoof that was battling laminitis. This complicated the injury but Arlyne made the extra trips numerous times a day to tend to the wound, packing and soaking the hoof. 

Laminitis Hoof Structure

The Staph infection had recovered by spring and the hoof was making headway. By May, Arlyne and her farrier saw improvement.  “My farrier was quite impressed with Biotin Hoof Blast as he can testify to the recovery process. He say’s that now after seeing Fancy’s improvements, when he has a client with hoof issues, he tells them about Horse Guard.”

Finding Results With Biotin Hoof Blast

The end of summer brought significant changes in Fancy’s foot to where it more closely resembled a healthy hoof, both Arlyne and her vet were thrilled. Fancy’s hoof was looking better and all of her other hooves were strong and healthy. Horses that are laminitic on one hoof can often founder on other feet because of the excess weight the other hooves endure when the horse tries to compensate for the injured hoof. 

Laminitis Progression on Horse

Biotin Improves Laminitis

Hoof Transformation From Horse Guard Supplements

By November, 9 months using Biotin Hoof Blast, Fancy’s hoof was completely healed, grown out, and healthy, “Thank you for a product that helped my horse recover when the vet said she was not going to. Thanks to Biotin Hoof Blast she grew back a beautiful hoof!”

Healthy Hooves From Horse Guard

Beating Laminitis with Biotin Hoof Blast From Horse Guard

Why did Biotin Hoof Blast make a difference?

Biotin Hoof Blast boasts the highest concentration of Biotin on the market, 100 mg. Along with Biotin and the powerful combination of Methionine, Zinc, and MSM, Biotin Hoof Blast is a power packed supplement dedicated to hoof condition. Fancy was able to receive the highest quality ingredients at a crucial time, plus it helped ensure the health of her other hooves. Fancy’s hoof benefited from Methionine, which is an essential amino acid that works synergistically with other hoof nutrients to help deliver healthy replacement of hoof protein. Protinated Zinc dramatically improves hoof strength while MSM, the base of the structural proteins contributes to stout and flexible hooves.

We are happy to report that Fancy is sound and enjoying her life as a happy, healthy horse residing in Kalispell, Montana. We are always grateful for every horse we are able to help. Have a Horse Guard success story of your own, share it with us here.  Are you and your horse currently battling laminitis or another health issue? Reach out to Certified Equine Nutritionist, Dr. Kelsey Nonella, for a consult. Here at Horse Guard we strive to provide horse owners with nutritional knowledge to best suit their horse.

2 Responses

Sherry Evans

Sherry Evans

July 18, 2024

My beautiful buckskin mare is battling laminitis. I am contemplating putting her down. If biotin would be helpful I am willing to give it a try. Torn between Trifecta or Hoof Blast.
Thanks for your help/insight.
Horse Guard replied:

I am sorry to hear about your mare. Biotin won’t change any rotation of the coffin bone that has occurred during laminitis. However, biotin can help strengthen the hoof wall to provide some relief. In addition, our hoof supplements also contain MSM which provides anti-inflammatory benefits as well as sulfur to build structural proteins in the hoof. Biotin Hoof Blast would be my recommendation to strengthen the hoof most. Let me know if I can answer any more questions.


Kelsey Johnson Nonella, Ph.D., PAS

Equine Nutritionist, Horse Guard, Inc.<>

3848 NW 91st St. Redmond, OR 97756

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[Horse Guard SMALL] Since 1978 we have dedicated our efforts to providing the highest quality nutrition products for horses. Our success is healthy happy horses and horse owners.

Peggy Ann Root

Peggy Ann Root

August 01, 2021

Please I need help with my mare.She is insulin resistant and showing signs of possible rotation.Vet wants to put her down.

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